viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

Reflection 2


           We as humans have the necessity and the capacity to communicate and express our ideas, feelings, opinions and so on in an orally way. For this reason, in this chapter we studied the production of speech sounds.  All sounds that we make when we speak are the result of muscle contracting, and to produce the sounds is we use two cavities. These are the oral and the nasal cavity. To produce these sounds we need the help of different parts of the vocal tract. These parts are called articulators, and the study of them is called articulatory phonetics. The articulators are: the pharynx, the soft and the hard palate, the alveolar ridge, the tongue, the teeth and the lips.
          There are two types of sounds that we produce; their names are vowel and consonants. In this course vowel are called vocoids and consonants contoids.          English has a large number of vowels sounds, there are classified in cardinal, short and long.
         Short vowels or vocoids are only relatively short and they can have quite different lengths in different context. 

For more information about this interesting topic you can visit the following pages:


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